Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cool day in the desert

     Will we ever get one soon? I have been waiting for some cooler days to do some more local riding but it doesn't look like im going to get a break. I just might have to put up with the heat or maybe just have to ride in some higher elevation areas to escape this So. Cal. heat!
     My friend who's blog im following occasionaly takes his truck out and I have made trips with him in the past to the desert but it's alot more comfortable with the airconditioning on! I sure wish my rzr had air, maybe I will just have to take my truck out also, if not to ride, maybe to go target shooting or explore some new mine shafts or something.

Monday, August 22, 2011

You can watch my videos here

You can also watch my videos here, make sure to Subscribe, Favorite and Like videos you are interested in.


     I will try to share photos as often as possible, if you are interested in seeing more please let me know and keep checking back to my blog.

This is a pic from the top of a hillside out at Cuddyback Lake, great view of the dry lakebed in the background

This is another angle of the Little Rubicon trail, also a popular jeep trail.

Here is a shot from the top of China Wall in Glamis, this was a nice early morning ride.

Here is a pic from a hillside above Soggy Dry Lake, great view.

Another pic from the Pinnacles, another trail head out from Glamis North KOA.

This is a shot on the trails out by Glamis KOA North, this trail is known as the Little Rubicon

Another pic above Silverwood Lake, this is also a popular jeep trail but is also accesible even with a suv.

Silverwood Lake in the background

Saturday, August 20, 2011

California Offroad: California Offroad

California Offroad: California Offroad: Hello everyone, I decided to start this blog to gain knowledge of California's best offroad riding areas and share my knowledge of the ...

California Offroad

     Hello everyone, I decided to start this blog to gain knowledge of California's best offroad riding areas and share my knowledge of the places I like to ride.
      Anyone who is involved in offroad riding wether it be motorcycle, jeep, quad, sidexside, etc... Please join me in sharing your experiences of this wonderful state and the different types of terrain it has to offer us.
     I for one have truly enjoyed riding Glamis Dunes, mostly because its miles of wide open space and ever changing terrain. The views from the sand peaks are amazing, the ride is smooth for the most part and the people you meet and the friendships you make can last a life time.                                                                   In the hotter months I enjoy riding and hiking around Silverwood Lake, alot of fire trails with more spectacular views of the mountains and lake. Silverwood has alot of jeep trails but is open to quads and 50' sidexside vehicles. I usually park up by the damn and ride or walk in but there are many entrance areas to ride and hike in from.
     If im not in the sand or the mountains you can usually find me out in the desert, I also go riding out by Cuddyback Lake, it's a dry lake bed and large desert offroading area just east of Atolia off the 395hwy a little two lane road in the middle of nowhere. I like this area because it has a little of everything to offer, kind of like Soggy Dry Lake but that's a difflerent area I will get to next. Cuddyback has a couple of dry lake beds to ride across and plenty of hills with mines to explore and if your into shooting? Bring your gun because plenty of people target practice out here. Also Cuddyback is not as crowded or crowded at all as some of the other popular riding areas.
     Soggy Dry Lake or better known as Johnson Valley is a more popular desert offroad riding area where they also hold popular offroad riding events such as King of Hammers, endouro races and others. This area can get crowded with lots of campers but the riding area goes on forever with all terrain types here also. Definetly a great place to ride, I need to get there more often.
     Well, I assume after reading this you can see that I must be from the So. Cal area and you would be correct! I have been looking forward to making trips further north and hopefully in the near future. Im sure there are plenty of more popular California riding areas so please share with me your favorite places to ride, your ups and downs, your trials and tribulations.
     Most of all, stay safe and ride within your boundries, alot of are offroad riding areas are being taken away from us and if we dont show are support we may lose them to future generations.
     Take care,
- Flashgordon